Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Trauma Society was set up in 2011 by Prof Azad, Prof Natarajan, Prof Caroline Chee, Prof Ganga and Dr Rupesh Agrawal as founder members to advance the knowledge in field of opthalmic trauma. No one of us starts a day believing that he will sustain trauma to the most important organ of body which is organ of sight yet thousands of people are injured each day. There is uncertainty in predicting the outcome of a patient with ophthalmic trauma and there is lack of evidence based preferred practice pattern in ophthalmic trauma. Under this umbrella of Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Trauma Society, the team decided to set the tone for subspeciality care in field of ophthalmic trauma and to formulate general guidelines through evidence based medicine. The society Organizes meetings, Continuing Medical Education (CME) series, does research in the field of ophthalmic trauma, and sets up multicenter collaborative studies.

To better manage and prevent disfiguring and blinding ophthalmic trauma

To build a network and team of eye care professionals with a special interest in ophthalmic trauma to advance the clinical care, science, and research in ophthalmic trauma

Dr. Gangadhara Sundar

Prof. Hua Yan
Vice President

Dr. Stephanie Watson
Secretary General

Dr. Rajiv Raman
Chairman Scientific Committee

Dr. Caroline Chee